FIAP services
Andorra Joan Burgues Martisella Service director

Exhibition centres

Contemplating Time, Ann Francis, Ireland

On July 27, we had the opportunity to watch the audiovisual "The sounds of water: silences, whispers and roars" whose author Luis José Vigil-Escalera Quintanal was born in Spain, north of a small Asturian town, La Felguera in 1963.  Nursing profession;  Photography is his hobby since he was young.  President of the Asturian Federation of Photographic Associations and member of the Board of Directors of the Spanish Confederation of Photography and since 2019 Director of the Exhibition Center “Images of the world - Langreo / Semeyes del mundo - Llangreu” located in Asturias.

In his work "The sounds of water: silences, whispers and roars" he shows his interpretation of the landscape through water, a transversal element in his work, in its various states: the surrounding silence, the cozy whisper and menacing roar.  

We also had the possibility to talk with him through a video called whatsapp, where attendees could ask questions related to his photographic work. 

Before the audiovisual, Roberto Leotta, member of our Photo Club, gave a talk on the issues to consider in relation to national and international photographic competitions.

The sounds of water: silences, whispers and roars - July 2019