FIAP Biennials

30th FIAP Colour Biennial 2023, Greece

Host Country: Greece
Year: 2023
Surf a Teahupoo, Bernard Bracq, France

30th FIAP Colour Biennial 2023, Greece

Winners of the 30th FIAP Colour Biennial 2023, Greece
Winner Country Print Section: France
Winner Country Digital Section: Russian Federation
Herbert Gmeiner, MFIAP, HonEFIAP (Austria); Alfredo Sotelo, ESFIAP (Spain); Nino Mghebrishvili, EFIAP (Georgia)
All results - Countries - Digital Section - Country Awards
Prize Country Works Authors Points Coherence points Total points
World Cup Russian Federation 20 16 261 60 321
FIAP Gold Ireland 20 14 243 54 297
FIAP Silver Germany 20 14 234 52 286
FIAP Bronze United Kingdom 20 13 233 50 283
FIAP Honourable mention Italy 20 16 226 54 280
FIAP Honourable mention France 20 17 228 47 275
FIAP Honourable mention Argentina 20 11 215 58 273
FIAP Honourable mention Wales 20 12 223 45 268
FIAP Honourable mention Belgium 20 16 213 48 261
FIAP Honourable mention Norway 20 13 209 52 261
/ Azerbaijan 20 14 219 41 260
/ Dominican Republic 20 15 203 53 256
/ Viet Nam 20 19 207 47 254
/ South Africa 20 13 221 30 251
/ Panama 20 10 201 49 250
/ Greece 20 16 192 53 245
/ United Arab Emirates 20 17 197 44 241
/ Netherlands 20 17 193 47 240
/ Egypt 20 17 187 51 238
/ Bosnia and Herzegovina 20 17 200 36 236
/ Czech Republic 20 12 197 38 235
/ Spain 20 14 178 55 233
/ Bahrain 20 11 192 41 233
/ Chile 20 11 177 55 232
/ Denmark 20 17 184 47 231
/ Finland 20 14 184 45 229
/ Serbia 20 16 202 24 226
/ Slovakia 20 10 181 38 219
/ Croatia 20 13 175 42 217
/ Andorra 20 10 171 42 213
/ New Zealand 20 18 174 39 213
/ Macao 20 18 177 33 210
/ Belarus 20 10 186 24 210
/ Colombia 20 14 161 37 198
/ Sweden 20 11 150 35 185
/ Israel 17 10 156 29 185
/ Cyprus 20 13 135 36 171
/ Hong Kong 20 10 141 28 169
/ Mauritius 20 10 112 26 138
/ Japan 16 10 104 6 110
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