FIAP Biennials

18th FIAP Nature Biennial 2016, Serbia

Host Country: Serbia
Year: 2016
Indian Fox with young one, Baiju Patil, India

FIAP congratulates Photo Association of Serbia and Photo Club Novi Sad on their success in the task of hosting these Nature biennials. The organizing committee has effectively brought photo collections from around the world together in a spirit of friendship between the members of the FIAP family.
The high quality of the images shown here leads us to hope to see even more participants in future FIAP Biennials.

Winners of the 18th FIAP Nature Biennial 2016, Serbia
Winner Country Projected Section: Italy, Feeding for live
Winner Country Print Section: Italy, Animals in flight
Winner of the “The Odette Bretscher Trophy"

Winner of the trophy: Italy
Romain Nero, EFIAP/g, HonEFIAP (Luxembourg – FIAP Judge); Slobodan Krstić, EFIAP/s, MF FSS (Bosnia and Herzegovina); Geza Lennert, EFIAP, MF FSS (Serbia)
All results - Countries - Country Winner PRINT
Prize Country Works Authors Points Coherence points Total points
World Cup Italy 10 10 138 53 191
FIAP Gold South Africa 10 10 135 53 188
FIAP Silver India 10 10 124 54 178
FIAP Bronze Norway 10 10 121 46 167
Honourable mention Oman 10 10 116 44 160
Honourable mention Serbia 10 10 102 48 150
Honourable mention San Marino 10 10 104 44 148
Honourable mention Turkey 10 10 97 46 143
Honourable mention Croatia 10 10 102 37 139
Honourable mention Luxembourg 10 10 89 39 128
/ Chile 10 10 82 44 126
/ Belgium 10 10 88 36 124
/ Bosnia and Herzegovina 10 10 93 30 123
/ Greece 10 10 69 28 97
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