FIAP services
Andorra Joan Burgues Martisella Service director

Exhibition centres

Contemplating Time, Ann Francis, Ireland

“MASTER STEPHAN TÓTH ISTVÁN AND HIS DISCIPLES” Euro Photo Art Gallery, FIAP Exhibition Center Oradea - Romania, within the Oradea City Museum section of the Muzeul Țării Crișurilor - Museum Complex - hosted on Saturday, January 8, 2021 at 11:00 the opening of a unique photographic art exhibition, organized in absolute premiere in Romania. The international exhibition with the support of S.C. "Summit Agro SRL Bucharest was dedicated to the Photographic Art Day in Romania (January 11) and takes place in the preamble of the 10th edition of the International Festival "Carol Pop de Szathmári - Szathmári Pap Károly" organized by the International Association "Euro Foto Art", under the auspices of the International Federation of Photographic Arts. The physical audience, consisting mostly of special guest graduates of the Master's from Oradea, Sighetu Marmației and Marghita, respectively on the ZOOM platform in Yokohama (Japan), Serbia and Romania was greeted on behalf of the Museum, AIEFA and the Photo Club "Nufărul" Oradea by the photographer Ștefan TÓTH Isván AFIAP, ESFIAP. In the opening of the event, the well-known photographer from Oradea reviewed the more than 200 courses of technique and photographic art carried out by him, in the 45 years of professional activity, graduated by thousands of photography lovers, several of them distinguished with a series of international medals and distinctions. Editor Száss László appreciated the artistic level of the exhibits, emphasizing that some are located on the border with fine arts. The journalist Camelia Bușu underlined the special role played by the protagonist of the opening in promoting the photographic art. Photographer Balási Csaba, Romania's FIAP liaison officer in Mierciurea Ciuc, appreciated the work of photographer Ștefan TÓTH Isván during his professional career in preparing generations of graduates. Photographer Ryuichi Tazaki, president of the Yokohama "Japanese Danube" Photoclub (AIEFA Partner Organization), spoke at the opening via ZOOM. Serbian students Erdélyi Olívia and Jusztin László appreciated the level of courses completed in 2021, which was attended by 121 photography lovers from the Carpathian Basin. Mrs. Morvay Szabó Edina from Oradea also said words of appreciation, thanking the lecturer of the course for the way the course she graduated 10 years ago took place. At the end of the opening, Master Ștefan TÓTH Isván handed over to his “disciples” Gelu Vrabie, Ovidiu Gabor EFIAP and Ovi D. Pop EFIAPg Certificates of Merit of the Master, as a sign of appreciation of the results obtained in the field of photographic art. The musical moments were provided by the representative of the Chamber Group "Duo Varadiensis" from Oradea, Thurzó Sándor József, who performed the songs: "Ave Maria" by Michael Haydn, "Step by Step" (Chinese folk music), "Ave Maria" by S.Sasha Kovacevic, “Winter” by Watanabe Shigebu and “Arioso” by Eszlári Erzsébet. The opening was broadcast on the facebook platform of the Association/EuroFotoArtAssociation/videos/468412531322095 The exhibited works can also be viewed at: / The new photographic art exhibition organized from the works of the well-known photographer Ștefan TÓTH Isván and his disciples Austria, Canada, China, Russian Federation, Japan, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, Hungary and Ukraine will remain available to the visiting public until 06.02.2022, and can be visited from Tuesday to Sunday, between 09:00 and 17:00

Master Stephan Tóth István And His Disciples - January 2022