FIAP services
Andorra Joan Burgues Martisella Service director

Exhibition centres

Contemplating Time, Ann Francis, Ireland


XXVI International Biennial of Sports Photography   

Fotosport is an international biennial of sports photography that began in 1970 under the leadership of Enric Pàmies, who was president of FIAP from 1994 to 1999. The 2020 edition marked the 50th anniversary of the event. However, the celebrations were scrapped due to the restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Although there had been plans to present Fotosport 2020 last autumn, it had to be postponed, and so the exhibition was initially scheduled to open on 14 April 2020 and remain on display until 26 June. In fact, the opening took place on the day planned, but without an opening event and with almost nobody in attendance. The closing has been postponed sine die as the CIMIR that houses the FIAP Exhibition Centre has been selected to be a vaccination point for COVID-19. Therefore, the exhibition will close when the massive vaccination campaign ends in late September of this year. On the one hand, as I said, the celebration of the 50th anniversary of Fotosport has been scrapped, but at the same time, we are pleased that the exhibition is being held in the place where mass vaccinations are being given out against the pandemic. This edition of Fotosport has certainly been very special for many reasons. You can see or download the book we have published for the 50th anniversary at:

Due to the difficulties of being able to see the exhibition, we have also edited a video that you can watch on YouTube at:

Fotosport 2020, 50Th Anniversary XXVI International Biennial Of Sports Photography - April 2021